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The Spring Update brings more than 30 improvements across all GEO5 programs and introduces new Engineering manuals. | |
News in GEO5 programs
- Double row pile (Sheeting Check)
- Refinement of mesh grid (Slope Stability)
- New 3D modeling of walls with previews, Calculation of hybrid walls (Redi-Rock Wall)
- Geoclipboard and Undo/Redo functions (most programs)
- New calculations and standards based on the users feedback
- +15 other improvements
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News in Stratigraphy Cross-sections from the 3D subsoil model
- New templates (data organization and creation of output protocols)
- Creation of input cross-sections from the 3D subsoil model
- Directly defined faults
- Editing of polyline in 3D view
- Reduction of the number of imported terrain points
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New and updated Engineering manuals for working in programs
- #38 - Using the “Annotations mode”
- #39 - 3D Modeling of Walls in
the Redi-Rock Wall Program
- #40 - Basic Work using the Stratigraphy
- #41 - Advanced Modeling in the Stratigraphy
- #42 - Creation of Field Test Documentation
- #43 - Interpretation of Field Tests into the Soil Profiles
- #44 - Creation of User-defined Template
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Update your software, try new features
For Fine Maintenance subscribers and GEO5 2020 users, the Spring Update is ready for download and installation for free. Other users can try new features in the DEMO version or buy the Single Upgrade in the online Shop or from local dealers. | |
Calculate price
Calculate your price in our Shop - including all possible discounts and without commitments. | | |
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