手机 App
移动应用GEO5 Data Collector (适用于Android和iOS)用于在野外或实验室进行数据采集,并可以在手机或平板电脑上运行。 手机应用和三维地质建模以及室内试验模块之间可以互相交换数据。
该应用可以使用三维地质建模模块的模板输入数据,使用谷歌地图和 GPS 数据,并添加照片、视频或者音频数据。由于该应用程序使用模板,因此用户可以轻松地定义需要通过 App 输入哪些数据。该 App 可以在 Google Play 和 App Store 上获取。
移动应用GEO5 Data Collector (适用于Android和iOS)用于在野外或实验室进行数据采集,并可以在手机或平板电脑上运行。 手机应用和三维地质建模以及室内试验模块之间可以互相交换数据。
该应用可以使用三维地质建模模块的模板输入数据,使用谷歌地图和 GPS 数据,并添加照片、视频或者音频数据。由于该应用程序使用模板,因此用户可以轻松地定义需要通过 App 输入哪些数据。该 App 可以在 Google Play 和 App Store 上获取。
The software in general is very good and ties in well with the way we do things here. From our review, the calculation results compares very well with our methods for both slope stability and settlement. The graphics and the ‘point-and-click’ data input are also very good and makes the program very easy to use.
It’s really great how easy the software is. I’m now doing the calculations so much faster and easier than doing it manually and most importantly, the technical customer service team are great and they respond instantly and professionally to any question or clarification. Thank you guys for being so awesome. High fives!
Great software....highly recommend.....always updating/improving and implementing feedback from users.