FIN EC software



Program Heat transfer

This program calculates the heat transfer into steel structure during the fire exposition. The results (temperature of steel and gas depending on time) are displayed in a graph.

General rules

The window contains input part on the left side and graph with results on the right side. The graph is regularly updated according to the specified inputs. Documentation can be printed with the help of the window "Print and export document", that may be launched from main menu ("File" - "Print"), from the horizontal toolbar or with the help of the shortcut Ctrl+P.

There's an option to specify general data of the project (identification details, design standard), that may be used in heading and footing of documents. These data are organized in the window "General project data", which can be launched with the help of the main menu ("Options" - "Project"). The program also contains the window "About the company" with identification data of the company (contacts, list of designers etc.). Content of this window is shared for all Fin EC programs. Also these inputs may be added into documentation. This window can be opened with the help of link "Company" in the part "Options" of the main menu.

Following inputs affects the calculation of heat transfer:

Cross-section properties

The cross-section of the member can be specified in this part. Following options are available:


  • The input of I-profile using the pre-defined database


  • The input of I-profile with user defined dimensions


  • The input of general cross-section with the help of cross-sectional area and perimeter

The database and profile dimensions are organized in the window "Cross-section editor", that appears after clicking on the button "Edit".

Temperature curve properties

The temperature curve that is used for the determination of the temperature of gas in time may be selected here. Following options are available:

  • Standard temperature curve - nominal curve defined in EN 13501-2. This curve describes the fully developed fire.
  • External fire curve - nominal curve intended for the outside of separating external walls that can be exposed to fire from different parts of the facade (directly from the inside of the corresponding fire compartment or from a compartment situated below or adjacent to the respective external wall)
  • Hydrocarbon fire curve - nominal curve for representing effects of a hydrocarbon type fire
  • Parametric temperature curve - this curve is effected by the physical parameters that describe the conditions in the fire compartment.

The expressions that represent temperature curves are described in the chapter "Temperature development" of theoretical help.

Fire protection properties

This part contains a selection of fire detail (style of fire protection). Details are divided into two basic categories: unprotected ones and protected ones. The sorting according to the number of exposed sides follows for both categories.

Unprotected cross-sections may be exposed to fire from all sides or only from three sides (in case that the cross-section is covered from one side e.g. by a slab). Cross-sections may be also protected by concrete slab partially (part of cross-section height is fixed with concrete). For such cases, protected height (hpr) or exposed height (hexp) has to be specified.

There are two general types of fire protection: coatings (the thickness dp has to be specified) and protected boxes (inputs are the thickness dp and box size). Protected details are also differentiated according to the number of exposed sides.

Materials of a fire protection may be divided into two main categories: coatings and board materials for protected boxes. The materials database contains wide range of items for both categories. Any other material may be specified manually with the help of user defined material characteristics.

Following buttons are available for the input of fire protective material:


User defined

  • The input of arbitrary material with the help of material characteristics in the window "Material editor".

Main application window

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