FIN EC software




This part contains properties of load cases including inserted loads. It is an optional part of XML file. Every load case is marked by the element <loadcase>. This element supports following attributes:


  • Unique ID, obligatory


  • The load case name, obligatory


  • The load case code. Possible values are: "force" (load case with forces and moments), "deformation" (load case with support deformation), "dead" (load case with self-weight, this load case cannot contain any inserted load) or "temperature" (load case with load defined by temperature difference)


  • The load case type (obligatory), avialable values: "permanent" (permanent load), "longTimeLive" (variable long term), "middleTimeLive" (variable middle term), "shortTimeLive" (variable short term), "momentTimeLive" (variable instantaneous), "accidentalLive" (accidental), "shortTimeLiveWind" (short term wind load), "shortTimeLiveSnow" (short term snow load), "mediumTimeLiveSnow" (middle term snow load), "accidentalWind" (accidental wind load) and "accidentalSnow" (accidental snow load)


  • Category of variable load case. Available values: "user" (user-defined combination factors), "standard" (standard permanent load), "A" (variable cat. A), "B" (variable cat. B), "C" (variable cat. C), "D" (variable cat. D), "E" (variable cat. E), "F" (variable cat. F), "G" (variable cat. G), "H_RoofOnly" (variable cat. H), "I_RoofPerA" (variable roof I for cat. A), "I_RoofPerB" (variable roof I for cat. B), "I_RoofPerC" (variable roof I for cat. C), "I_RoofPerD" (variable roof I for cat. D), "K_RoofSpecial" (variable cat. K), "wind" (vítr), "snow_FINS" (snow Scandinavia), "snow_Greater1000" (snow > 1000 a.s.l.), "snow_LessEqual1000" (snow < 1000 a.s.l.), "temperature" (thermal load).


  • The partial factor for upper design value, optional


  • The partial factor for lower design value, optional


  • The factor for permanent loads in "alternative" combinations. Available only for design standards "ec" or "sans", optional.


  • Factor for combination value. Available only for design standards "ec" or "sans", optional.


  • Factor for frequent value. Available only for design standards "ec" or "sans", optional.


  • Factor for quasi-permanent value. Available only for design standards "ec" or "sans", optional.


  • The setting which defines partial load case factor for standards "csn", "stn" or "other". Optionak, default value is 1.0

Individual load cases (except the load case with the code "dead") may contain joint and member loads. The joint loads are defined using the element <pointLoad> and member loads are defined using the element <lineLoad>.

Point loads

Point loads are defined using the element <pointLoad>. Following attributes are available:

x, y, z

  • Forces or deformations in given directions, optional

mx, my, mz

  • Moments and rotations in given directions, optional


  • List of points where is the load assigned. Obligatory. Example of syntax: the value "1,6,9-12, 3" adds the load into points 1, 3, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12

Point load

Member load

Member loads are defined by the element <lineLoad>. The attribute "lines" defines member IDs, which should be loaded by this load. Syntax is described above (example: "1,6,9-12, 3"). Individual types of member loads are defined using following elements:


  • Single force on member


  • Single moment on member


  • Line load for the whole member length


  • Line load on the part of member length


  • Trapezoidal load with defined beginning and end

The element <singleForce> for single force supports following attributes:


  • The load direction. Available values: "x" (global axis x), "y" (global axis y), "z" (global axis z), "1" (local axis 1), "2" (local axis 2), "3" (local axis 3)


  • Value of load


  • The angle between the force and member axis. Optional, if not defined, the value 90 is used

fromStart, fromEnd

  • The position from the member beginning (attribute "fromStart") or member end (the attribute "fromEnd"). The value of the attribute defines the distance from reference point. The value with the character % means that the distance is defined using per cents of the member length. Otherwise, the position is defined in meters. Obligatory.

Load case with point loads on members 1 and 5

The element <singleMoment> for single moment supports following attributes:


  • The load direction. Available values: "x" (global axis x), "y" (global axis y), "z" (global axis z), "1" (local axis 1), "2" (local axis 2), "3" (local axis 3)


  • Value of moment

fromStart, fromEnd

  • The position from the member beginning (attribute "fromStart") or member end (the attribute "fromEnd"). The value of the attribute defines the distance from reference point. The value with the character % means that the distance is defined using per cents of the member length. Otherwise, the position is defined in meters. Obligatory.

The element <continuous> for continuous load on the whole member length supports following attributes:


  • The load direction. Available values: "x" (global axis x), "y" (global axis y), "z" (global axis z), "1" (local axis 1), "2" (local axis 2), "3" (local axis 3)


  • Value of load


  • The angle between the force and member axis. Optional, if not defined, the value 90 is used

Continuous load on members 3, 4, 5 a 6

The element <continuousPart> for continuous load on the member part supports following attributes:


  • The load direction. Available values: "x" (global axis x), "y" (global axis y), "z" (global axis z), "1" (local axis 1), "2" (local axis 2), "3" (local axis 3), "yProjection" (direction of global axis x on member projection) "zProjection" (direction of global axis z on member projection)


  • Value of load


  • The angle between the load and member axis. Optional, if not defined, the value 90 is used

fromStart1, fromEnd1, fromSecond

  • The position of load beginning from the member start (attribute "fromStart1") or member end (the attribute "fromEnd1"). The load beginning can be also defined using the position of load end (the attribute "fromSecond"). The value of the attribute defines the distance from reference point. The value with the character % means that the distance is defined using per cents of the member length. Otherwise, the position is defined in meters. Obligatory.

fromStart2, fromEnd2, fromFirst

  • The position of load beginning from the member start (attribute "fromStart2") or member end (the attribute "fromEnd2"). The load beginning can be also defined using the position of load end (the attribute "fromFirst"). The value of the attribute defines the distance from reference point. The value with the character % means that the distance is defined using per cents of the member length. Otherwise, the position is defined in meters. Obligatory.

The element <trapezoidal> for trapezoidal load on the member part supports following attributes:


  • The load direction. Available values: "x" (global axis x), "y" (global axis y), "z" (global axis z), "1" (local axis 1), "2" (local axis 2), "3" (local axis 3), "yProjection" (direction of global axis x on member projection) "zProjection" (direction of global axis z on member projection)


  • Value of load at the begining, obligatory


  • Value of load at the end, obligatory


  • The angle between the load and member axis. Optional, if not defined, the value 90 is used

fromStart1, fromEnd1, fromSecond

  • The position of load beginning from the member start (attribute "fromStart1") or member end (the attribute "fromEnd1"). The load beginning can be also defined using the position of load end (the attribute "fromSecond"). The value of the attribute defines the distance from reference point. The value with the character % means that the distance is defined using per cents of the member length. Otherwise, the position is defined in meters. Obligatory.

fromStart2, fromEnd2, fromFirst

  • The position of load beginning from the member start (attribute "fromStart2") or member end (the attribute "fromEnd2"). The load beginning can be also defined using the position of load end (the attribute "fromFirst"). The value of the attribute defines the distance from reference point. The value with the character % means that the distance is defined using per cents of the member length. Otherwise, the position is defined in meters. Obligatory.

Trapezoidal load

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