该模块用于各种类型抗滑桩的设计和验算。在 土质边坡稳定分析 模块中输入抗滑桩计算得到作用在抗滑桩上的滑坡推力、桩前滑体抗力和滑面位置,然后所有这些数据将直接导入到“抗滑桩设计”模块中,分析抗滑桩的内力、变形、配筋等。
More Features
The software in general is very good and ties in well with the way we do things here. From our review, the calculation results compares very well with our methods for both slope stability and settlement. The graphics and the ‘point-and-click’ data input are also very good and makes the program very easy to use.
It’s really great how easy the software is. I’m now doing the calculations so much faster and easier than doing it manually and most importantly, the technical customer service team are great and they respond instantly and professionally to any question or clarification. Thank you guys for being so awesome. High fives!
Great software....highly recommend.....always updating/improving and implementing feedback from users.
免费激活无分析限制的 14 天试用版本。