FIN EC software



Main application window

Main application window respects general rules of Windows graphical user interface. It contains these parts:

Window heading

  • Heading contains buttons for minimizing, maximizing and closing the application window. It contains also the name of project file including complete file directory. Star behind the project name signifies, that the project was modified since the last saving of the file.

Main menu

  • The basic menu, that is located at the top of the window. The items in the menu are sorted into several parts. Part "Data" is a mirror of the tree menu. Main menu is also accessible using "Alt" key on the keyboard.


Tree menu

  • The main graphical control element, that divides the work into logical parts.


  • Graphical display of the project.


  • Frame is located in the bottom part of the window, it contains control elements for data inputs.

Status bar

  • Status bar is placed along the bottom edge of the application window. Some additional information is displayed there (design standard, cursor position etc.).

Main window: Heading (1), main menu with toolbars (2), tree menu (3), workspace (4), frame (5)

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