FIN EC software



Perforation edit

The perforation of the cross-section (caused for example by holes for connectors) may be specified in this window. Holes may be specified in all parts of the cross-section. The perforation is specified by the number of holes, their diameter, spacing and distance from edge. The window contains a cross-section view with explanation of all inputs. Right part of the window shows the cross-section with entered holes. Input of holes is limited in the way, that it isn't possible to specify unsymmetrical holes for symmetrical cross-section (e.g. left and right parts of flange have to be perforated in the same way). If the holes are filled with fasteners, the settings "Fillings" may be switched on. These holes aren't considered in the verification of compressive and bending resistance, if the holes are within compressive part of the cross-section.

This procedure is described in the part "Perforation of cross-sections" of the theoretical help.

The button "Clear" deletes all specified parameters.

Window "Cross-section perforation"

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