FIN EC software



Program Parametric temperature curve

This program calculates the characteristics of the parametric temperature curve according to the specified fire load and topology of the fire compartment.

General rules

The window contains input part on the left side, the compartment topology in the right upper corner and the results in the bottom part of the window. Documentation can be printed with the help of the window "Print and export document", that may be launched from main menu ("File" - "Print"), from the horizontal toolbar or with the help of the shortcut Ctrl+P.

There's an option to specify general data of the project (identification details, design standard), that may be used in heading and footing of documents. These data are organized in the window "General project data", which can be launched with the help of the main menu ("Options" - "Project"). The program also contains the window "About the company" with identification data of the company (contacts, list of designers etc.). Content of this window is shared for all Fin EC programs. Also these inputs may be added into documentation. This window can be opened with the help of link "Company" in the part "Options" of the main menu.

Following inputs affects the calculation of parametric temperature curve:

Fire zone walls

This part contains a table for the input of compartment topology. The shape of the compartment isn't limited. The maximum wall height is 4m, which is the fundamental limit for parametric curve according to the EN 1991-1-2. Any wall may contain one opening. More openings in one wall has to be specified as one opening with the width, that is equal to the sum of widths of all openings in the wall, and width the area, which is equal to the sum of areas of all openings. The materials of walls are described by the density, specific heat and the thermal conductivity. The materials of particular walls may differ.

Materials of floor and ceiling

These parts contain characteristics of floor and ceiling, the characteristics are identical to the properties of the walls material.

Fire parameters

Following parameters are necessary for the calculation:

Time of fire development tlim

  • It depends on the velocity of the fire development, following values are written in the standard: 15min for high velocity of the fire development (e.g. theatres, cinemas, shopping centres, libraries), 20min for medium velocity of the fire development (e.g. living areas, hospitals, hotels, office areas, schools) and 25min for low velocity of the fire development (e.g. transport areas).

Characteristic fire load density per unit floor area qf,k

  • This value depends on the type of occupancy. The value is based on the table E.4, the range of recommended values is 50-2000 MJ/m2.

Factor related to the fire activation risk due to the size of the compartment δq1

  • This factor describes the dependency of fire activation risk and the size of fire compartment. The values are based on the table E.1 and are between 1.1 (compartment area 25m2) and 2.13 (area 10000m2).

Factor related to the fire activation risk due to the type of occupancy δq2

  • This factor describes the fire activation risk for certain occupancy types. The value is between 0.78 (galleries, museums, swimming pools) and 1.66 (production areas of fireworks and paints) according to the table E.1.

Factor related to the different active fire fighting measures δn

  • This factor takes into account the different active fire fighting measures like sprinkler, detection, automatic alarm transmission, firemen etc. The values are based on the table E.2 and may be considered as 1.0 for normal fire fighting measures.


The results are displayed in three different ways. First, the parametric temperature curve is displayed as a graph, which shows the dependency of gas temperature in time. Second option are following four parameters, that describe this curve:


  • The opening factor


  • The thermal absorptivity for the total enclosure


  • The design value of the fire load density related to the total surface area


  • The time for maximum gas temperature

These parameters are suitable for following calculations in other programs (e.g. "Steel Fire", "Concrete fire"). The third way shows the expressions, that describe the curve course. First phase (heating) of the curve is described by the exponential curve, second phase (cooling) is a straight line. These expression may be used for the calculation of gas temperature for arbitrary time.

Main application window

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